Thursday, March 13, 2008

Zooey Deschanel, M. Ward, and Laura Nyro

Does anybody else think Zooey Deschanel sounds a lot like Laura Nyro?

I've been listening to her album with M. Ward, titled She & Him: Volume 1, and the first track immediately made me think of Nyro's work.
Laura Nyro was a folk singer in the late 60s/early 70s, who never really blew up but is well know enough to still have all of her records in print (remastered, too). I fell in love with her album "Eli & The Thirteenth Confession" a couple of years ago while researching LGBT musicians during the 60s. And this album is kind of reminding me of it - although i haven't quite fallen in love with it yet - I think i was expecting to hear more M. Ward in it. No doubt he's behind all of the arrangements, but he's one of my favourite folk singers, so more vocals from him would've been nice.

Here's a song from each of these records. Both so you can compare, and so you can enjoy a couple of wonderful artists.

She & Him - Sentimental Heart (from She & Him: Volume 1)
Laura Nyro - Lu (from Eli & The Thirteenth Confession)

In addition, here's a song they did together last year for the soundtrack to the film "The Go-Getter". It's a proper duet between them, something i would've liked more of on the album.

M. Ward ft. Zooey Deschanel - When I Get To The Border (from The Go-Getter OST)

For good measure, here's some pictures of them. Because, for me, Zooey is definitely a cinema crush. And M. Ward is definitely an indie hero.

BABEFEST. somebody tour them.

Oh, and as for melbourne.... outta time for today. Pictures are uploaded and ready to go, though...

1 comment:

Clare D-M said...

ohhmiiigawwdd. on a totally superficial note, as often mine are, they are two incredibly attractive people. i covet in deep envy their looks and lovers.